The following instructions will assist you in navigating the BidAllegheny website page-by-page. If you would like to enter the auction immediately, return to the BidAllegheny Home Page and click Auction. Click the BACK button on your web browser to return to the previous page.

Home Page:

Provides general information.
Provides registration form to be completed on-line before requesting admission to any auction.
Takes you to Selections Page.
Takes you to Results Page.

Selections Page:

Provides list of upcoming auctions with descriptive information for each auction. Select any upcoming auction, then click one of the following buttons:

Takes you to Admission Page where you can request admission to the auction you select. If you request admission you are not required to participate in the auction.
Displays Terms for auction selected.
Displays Amendments to Terms, if any, for auction selected.
Displays Preliminary Official Statement (POS) for auction selected.
Takes you to Login Page.

Login Page:

Registrants enter their ID number and password and click the Enter Auction button to go to either Verification Page or Observation Page -- depending upon their status (i.e., bidders to Verification Page and issuers to Observation Page).

Verification Page:

Asks series of questions which confirm bidder's eligibility to enter auction.

Auction Page:

Provides box for bidder to enter their bid and, at issuer's option, the bidder's status (i.e., leader/not leader or rank order).

Once bidder fills in box with a bid, bidder can click either Calculate/Update or Submit Bid.

Updates time and bidder status (if a bid was previously submitted) without submitting bids.
Updates time and bidder status while submitting bids.

IMPORTANT: Bidders must click the "Calculate/Update" button frequently during auction to update "Time of Last Update". Also, clicking "Calculate/Update" does not result in bid submission.

Confirmation Page:

Automatically generated by BidAllegheny when bidder submits a bid. Gives bidder opportunity to review bid submitted before it is officially recorded. If for any reason bidder decides not to submit the bid shown on the Confirmation Page, they can click the BACK button to return to the previous Auction Page without the bid being recorded.

Observation Page:

Allows issuer and financial adviser to observe an auction in progress. Initial page shows best bids and bidders. Buttons and links at bottom of page enable issuer and financial adviser to observe bids submitted by every bidder, summary of bids, bidders who have requested admission to the auction, outside observers (only as permitted by the issuer), and bidder details (after the auction is over).

Allows issuer or financial adviser to update all times and bid information.

In addition, there are links at the bottom of each page which allow you to navigate your way through the website more efficiently.

Your opinion of this website is important to us. We would welcome any comments you have about BidAllegheny by e-mail at Auction Administrator (also see link at the bottom of each page) or call (412) 391-5555.

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Please direct questions and comments regarding bidding procedures to the Auction Administrator or call (412) 391-5555.

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